All for Hear

Hair oil capsules are a popular product in the cosmetic industry and are used for hair care. They contain many different oils such as olive, coconut, almond, argan and others, which are rich in beneficial nutrients and fatty acids.
Our capsules will help moisturize hair, fill it with nutrients, reduce brittleness and remove split ends, add shine and smoothness and protect against external environmental influences.
ProVitamin Bronze Leave-in capsule vitamin oil
Bronze Leave-in capsule vitamin oil for growth and restoration of hair loss Ma Vie Mari Hair ProVita..
ProVitamin Gold Hair Capsules Ma Vie Mari Hair for dry, brittle hair
Gold Leave-in capsule vitamin oil for dry, brittle and porous hair Ma Vie Mari Hair ProVitamin Gold ..
ProVitamin MIX of capsules for hair
Mix of leave-in capsule vitamins-oil for hair Ma Vie Mari Hair ProVitamin MIX - 30 pcs. ..